How Chatbot Helps the Food Industry Grow

Nowadays, we can see many technological advancements in the food industry such as ordering food delivery through mobile applications, self-service kiosks in restaurants, even robots that are developed to make and serve our food. With these advancements, it is not surprising to see that chatbots are also being used to make the food industry better.

According to one source, 70% of customers are more inclined to check their food delivery status using chatbots. 62% of Gen Z was also noted to prefer using chatbot to order their food instead of talking to a human agent. 


So how can chatbots be applied to the food industry? Here are several examples of use case that we can currently see:

  • Taking orders

As mentioned above, many Gen Z’s prefer to order through chatbot instead of a human agent. Especially after a post-covid situation, customers prefer to order through restaurants or food delivery apps. In this situation, chatbot can help to update customers about the status of their orders and when their delivery is enroute. 

Not only for the benefit of the customer, it could also benefit the owner. By using chatbots, we are minimizing the factor of human error in the process of taking orders as chatbots would automatically input the customer’s orders directly into the system. 


  • Making reservations

One source mentioned that 1 out of 3 customers would prefer using chatbot while making reservations. From the owner’s side, you no longer have to run and pick up the phone whenever people want to make reservations. Owners also would not need to input every single reservation as chatbots will automatically register the reservation into the system.
What’s even better is that these chatbots can be accessed through existing messaging apps such as Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp and more. 


  • Collecting feedback

According to several sources, the customer’s behavior towards food depends a lot on reviews. Many people tend to see the reviews of a restaurant before deciding whether to go there or not. Knowing the importance of reviews, chatbot is able to help you collect customer reviews after every order which helps you gain new customers in the future. 



As we can see, implementing chatbot into your restaurant is an investment that you might have to do sooner or later. Not to mention, chatbots can be integrated over several different social media platforms which in turn would help you expand your customer base. 





Nanosemantics (November 28, 2019). Ways to Use Chatbots in the Food Industry. Retrieved August 10, 2022 from

Pragnakalp Techlabs (June 16, 2021). Is Chatbot really the future for small-scale Restaurant/Food outlets? Retrieved August 10, 2022 from

Stefanowicz, Beata (June 9, 2022). How Restaurants Can Effectively Use Chatbots? Retrieved on August 10, 2022 from